Player ranking

Please find below the classification of the company managers who reign in boss over Everything is taken into account from the quality of your products, in the treatment of your workers by way of your turnover.

If you want to compete with them, don't wait anymore and sing up !

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Position Player Level Number of played parts Points
26 jeremsoso 0 41 pts
27 supdeco.goldennat 3 40 pts
Alexis_damien 2 40 pts
alison.philippe 2 40 pts
aolivier 2 40 pts
aqszedfrcv 2 40 pts
Baptiste88 2 40 pts
bartouil 2 40 pts
christiie 2 40 pts
Dryyke 2 40 pts
Eheh 2 40 pts
Emsi.bobo 2 40 pts
GaelRcd54 2 40 pts
GillGill 2 40 pts
Giroudlebg 2 40 pts
HugoEly 2 40 pts
Jahlimero 2 40 pts
Joey38 2 40 pts
Jopel 2 40 pts
jule40 2 40 pts
Kyks 2 40 pts
LBZ 2 40 pts
letho 2 40 pts
leyna212 2 40 pts
Licius Angelus 2 40 pts
Louisedbs 2 40 pts
Marcanidas 2 40 pts
mathieu68 2 40 pts
MatNeu76 2 40 pts
MC1507 2 40 pts
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