Page Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Societal (or Social) Responsibility (CSR): what is it?

The CSR is defined by the european commission such as the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their business activities and their relations with stakeholders.

In other words, CSR is the contribution of companies to the challenges of sustainable development.

A company that practices CSR will therefore seek to have a positive impact on society while being economically viable.

The standard ISO 26000, international standard, defines the scope of CSR around seven central themes :

  • governance of the organization
  • human rights
  • relations and working conditions
  • the environment
  • fair practices
  • consumer issues
  • communities and local development

Like all "real" companies dealing with CSR, we have chosen on Simuland to insist more particularly on certain axes (but not on all). Below is the description of the axes treated.

Simuland and CSR: environmental chapter

The choice of the type of energy also impacts your company's CSR. Nuclear power is not in your objectives, but it is the ecological energy that you shall develop.

In terms of the Energy Balance, we compare the energy consumption to run the business, with the energy inputs generated by the solar panels installed in your business. This allows you to see if you have achieved energy autonomy or not.

Trees capture CO2. So to plant trees allows your company to balance your company's CO2 expenses. Trees are not installed directly in your company, but in a suitable place in the world. Planting a tree saves in g of CO2 per year : 25000g/year, for a cost per tree of : $500.

In terms of the CO2 balance, we compare the CO2 emissions linked to the deliveries of your products (locally, regionally, nationally or internationally) with the CO2 captures thanks to the trees planted by your company. Deliveries are of 4 types: local, regional, national or international, and have different CO2 impacts. Note, in national, the use of the train is more interesting than the regional one and the use of trucks. In the end, in this chapter, it allows you to see the status of your company's carbon footprint.

Simuland and CSR: social chapter

In terms of support for employees, we are looking here at the training of workers and support for salespeople in the search for customers. This helps them in their development.

The well-being of employees is also one of our main concerns. For that, we follow their "morale".

Simuland and CSR: societal chapter

Interested in helping others, your company has the opportunity to invest in humanitarian missions. Each contributions costs : $6000. Up to you to choose your level of investment.

Also concerned about the CSR of the companies you work with, the CSR of raw material suppliers shall be monitored.
Green CSR logo : very respectful
Red CSR logo : medium respectful
Orange CSR logo: not very respectful

Simuland and CSR: results

Based on the 3 components of CSR, a CSR indicator is calculated on Simuland. Business leaders will have to follow its evolution. The logo changes depending on its value: red if below 33%, then orange between 33 and 66%, and finally green if above 66%.

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