The provider of Simuland has three models of machine, you are free to use its services to buy a new machine whenever you like (and when your budget allows, of course). The catalogue of our supplier gives the following characteristics:
??help.machine?? | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 |
??help.prodcapa?? | 200 | 500 | 2,500 |
??help.maxouvriers?? | 20 | 30 | 40 |
??help.wear?? | 1 % | 2 % | 3 % |
??help.formationmin?? | 10 % | 50 % | 70 % |
??help.machine.price?? | $50,000 | $200,000 | $1,000,000 |
Your machines deteriorate when your workers use them to manufacture your products. The more they are requested, ie production is more important, the more they will deteriorate. You should monitor whether your machines need to be repaired to call the maintenance department when necessary. A link "to repair" appears in the box on your machine when the rate of attrition is not zero, so you can repair.
Your old machine mishap you and you no longer wish to use? You can sell it. This can free space in your factory and you can recover cash.
Note: This operation is possible if you have another machine available in your plant.
Like all other pages, you can place here custom calculations. This can be useful to save the calculations you make regularly (eg sum of two data, ...). Many opportunities are available with these calculations personalized, such as share them with other players, using those of others that you find good, note and comment on those of others ...